Many years ago Richard Branson showed me you can achieve great things working from a hammock.

However that is only after you have proven you can run a business and even harder own one.

Running a business from a hammock however is not always possible for most of us.

In my case I need to be in my Vegan factories or out in sales meetings..

However finally after 35 years in business I have found a solution nearly as good as a hammock that actually works and keeps me fit.

Email cleansing on a bike, don’t stop reading your going to thank me for it when you actually try it.

The reality of today’s life is ‘WE ARE ALL TO BUSY !!!’

We send an email and 10 more come in, we can never get on top of our work or feel we have covered everything without working 18hr days.

Due to lack of time we make excuses not to exercise,we gain weight, get unhealthy,feel sluggish and so the domino effect continues.

Possible solution, healthy multitasking.

In the gym or on a bike at home or work depending, on your circumstances, start on level one just to spin the bike and move the synovial fluid, great for long term joint health.

Start doing your emails on your phone or I pad or a small computer.

The bike indoors is so boring that the distraction of e-mail cleansing will make the time fly by/

I could barely do 20mins without yawning,but now I get at least 500-900 emails a day, once 4 hrs passed ( only on level 1) and I only realised when my bum went numb...

The added benefit was when I got a seriously annoying email I peddled faster to release my frustration.

By the time I stepped off my thighs felt firmer, I felt less stressed with a feeling of achievement not only for fitness but the fact I had created the best time management solution I could..

I now save weights for 20 mins at the end or weekends.

My plan is to set up a bike in the factory for me and anyone else wishing to join the email cleanse revolution.

My thoughts are to get the carpenter in and build a basic but high desk to sit over the bike , keep the posture straight as we are folding back into apes because of these bloomin’ computers and get email cleansing and feeling a little in control of our lives, in this mad world..

You don’t know till you try it...