What we think directly affects our health, so staying positive and hopeful will help fight the coronavirus and keep our immune system strong. The brain’s cerebral cortex controls thought and is connected with digestion – so foods as well as thoughts need to be properly digested to become useful for us and not cause harm.

Persistent negative or undigested thoughts have a toxic effect, especially on the digestive system.

Fear, trauma, anger and anxiety get locked up in the cellular memory of the intestines for a long time without any obvious indications of their presence. Once concentrated, they can unwrap, and affect you in a negative way.

Remember, 95% of one of the most powerful happiness hormones for the brain, Seretonin, is produced in the digestive system and regulates it.

Once happiness diminishes, serotonin does too, weakening digestion, making what you eat essential.

If only doctors really focused on the digestive system they would find many mental and emotional conditions might be rapidly reduced.

The immune system acts as both a physical and mental healing system, but it can be easily over-taxed when it’s exposed to non-nutritious foods and negative thoughts. The thymus gland, part of the immune system, reduces to half its size or less when you are in distress. This may make you susceptible to disease so it’s vital to stay positive and minimise stress.

While access to your favourite foods can be more difficult to come by currently, it might be a good time to look at cleaning up your diet. Look at easing up on excess meat, fish and dairy consumption. Try more vegan food.

When you crave a burger, try a vegan one to minimise stress on your digestive system a few days a week. Take a look at our online store at VBites.com.

But most of all, look after yourself and your loved ones and use the lockdown time to appreciate how lucky we are to spend time around people we love