Many of you will already know some of the tips below, but even the most vigilant of us get out of a routine and need to be reminded.

Every morning after getting up, drink one glass of warm water to increase the regularity of your bowel movement.

Five to 10 minutes later drink a second glass with fresh lemon. This will help to assist the intestines to start eliminating any accumulated waste. Wait at least 30 minutes before eating your breakfast.

Before taking a shower or bath, do a three-minute dry-skin brush to improve circulation and the quality of your skin. Then massage yourself with coconut oil.

If you are hungry try and stick to porridge each morning. If you’re not, don’t force the body to eat but try and have some seasonal fruit. Don’t eat it with porridge as fruit should always be eaten alone and preferably on an empty stomach.

Make lunch the main meal of the day and avoid drinking water as you eat as it will dilute the digestive juices. It is best to drink a glass of water about half an hour before lunch, and then wait one or two hours after lunch before having another. I found this really hard to do at first because trying to get the recommended six to seven glasses of water a day when you’re not meant to drink when you eat can be quite difficult.

But seeing as I don’t have a terribly robust digestive system, it’s something I try and stick with.

Dinner should be veg and rice or soups, or anything similarly easy to digest.

Finally we all know we need to exercise. We have 1,000 excuses why not, such as being too busy, unable
to afford a gym membership and so on. However, you can pull up a 10-minute workout on YouTube and do it in your living room. I often do them in hotel rooms on business travel.

I really enjoy Joe Wick’s 10 to 20- minute workouts and they really work. He is hilarious and gets worn out before I do, so I’m not sure if he’s just trying to make us feel better – but anyway, make sure you check them out.